
Practice Stats App

Stay in control and know where your practice stands at all times. Effortlessly oversee your practice growth with TeamCare web platform and mobile apps for iOS and Android.


Real-time Data & Reports
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Goal Tracking

Elevate your dental practice to new heights with TeamCare's "Goal Tracking" feature. No more sifting through complicated spreadsheets or reports – now, you can effortlessly visualize your practice's performance metrics aligned with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals. Gain real-time insights that not only help you monitor progress but also empower you to make informed decisions. Whether it's boosting patient retention, achieving revenue targets, or ensuring treatment completions, our Visual Goals feature transforms data into visually captivating charts and graphs. Start your journey to SMART success with TeamCare's Goal Tracking.

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Daily Email Reports

Get your team engaged with what's going on.

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