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Incentives Implementation Consulting

"Fast track" your Practice Growth Plan with TeamCare Incentives

Pricing Overview

Usage Fees

Monthly Payouts Monthly Usage Fee
Up to $2,000.00 $0
Up to $5,000.00 $200/mo
Up to $20,000.00 $400/mo
> $20,000 $600/mo

TeamCare's Partnership Philosophy

Start your Incentives program today and  "kickstart" your practice growth.


What are next steps after payment?

Drop down button with answer to the FAQ.

After submitting payment, an email will be sent to you with an intake form to start outlining your incentives goals. If you have not yet connected TeamCare to your practice management system, you will also receive an email with instructions for installation.

What if I am not ready to pay?

Drop down button with answer to the FAQ.

If you are interested in TeamCare Incentives but not ready to pay, use this link to book a demo.