Manage bonuses
Effortlessly manage your incentive payouts to enhance efficiency and drive better results for your team.

Reward with confidence and control cash flow
Boost practice performance when you make incentive payouts transparent, frequent, and simple, and keep your cash flow flowing with forecasting management tools so you can plan perfect rewards.
Payment data encryption through Stripe
Automate payout amount and frequency
Payout calculator for easy forecasting
"Having the opportunity to earn more cash for calling lapsed patients is something I've never experienced, or been given the opportunity to participate in. It's a game-changer for me."
Our automated payout system simplifies bonus payroll, making it easy to select which staff participate in specific incentives. Enjoy the reassurance that your team is rewarded accurately and on time.
Use the forecasting tool to assess various scenarios based on milestones or actions completed, ensuring you maintain full control.
Automatically include incentive payouts in your staff's next wage distribution, ensuring they have clear visibility into what they've earned and the reasons behind it.
Start growing with TeamCare Today
Try TeamCare for free, and explore all the tools and services you need to start, run, and grow a flourishing dental practice.